How does it work?
To join the business,
Simply avail any of the following product packages:
What will you get after availing one?

What are e-points?

Initially, each product in Sante international has corresponding points.
E-points are the total amount of points that is allowed to be purchased by a new member depending from the package he chooses.
For example, a costumer decided to buy an ultimate pack plus package. He will have 6200 e-points. So based from the product points, he can choose 62 boxes of Pure Barley NZ Juice which is 100 points to use up all of his 6200 e-points.
Imagine this, 62 boxes of juice in retail price is worth Php 120,900 but you only avail the Ultimate pack for only Php88,988. You have more than 120% return from your capital!
What is the benefit of having more business accounts?
Business account is like having more tables in a restaurant. The more tables you have, the more costumers will eat given you serve delicious foods. So like a restaurant, the more business accounts you have means more potential profits.
What are the basic benefits of a member?
You have a 30-50% lifetime discount on all sante products.
You will be given an online business account. See official website here.
Global business system.
Earn in 8 different ways
Entitled to use the properties of the company in Pico de loro, Tagaytay, and Yacht in manila yacht club with the group.
How to EARN?
There are 8 different ways to earn in Sante International. Retailing, fast start bonus, infinity bonus, builder bonus, executive bonus, performance bonus, car programs, and travel programs. But the 4 basic ways to earn will only be explained here. The other 4 will be explained once you’ll become a member.
Earn 30-50% profit when you sell products in suggested retail price. If you are good in selling, you can profit through this. Sharing the benefits of the products to your friends, family, classmates, co-workers and to total strangers. But if you want a serious income, let’s learn the other 3.
Fast Start Bonus:
Once you become a Sante International distributor, you are then allowed to sponsor people to join your organization. The company will pay you a Fast Start Bonus every time a new sponsor is registered under your name. You can earn Php300 up to Php5,000 every time you sponsor a new distributor. The bonus will depend on the kind of package that your sponsor will purchase.

Starter Pack: Php300 Bonus
Builder Pack Plus: Php1,000 Bonus
Ultimate Pack Plus: Php5,000 Bonus
E-Franchise: Php5000 Bonus
For example, you have two friends, John and James. You are already a distributor and has 1 business account.
You sponsor your friend John to join under you and he purchase a Starter package. Regardless you put him on your right or left organization, the company will pay you Php300.
Then you also sponsor your another friend James but instead of starter package, he chose to purchase Builder package. Again, the company will pay you but this time, it’s Php1,000. So every time someone will join under your name, the company will pay you.
Infinity Bonus:
This is commonly called binary system. Your every business account is divided into left and right organization. And you will earn Php500 for every linked point from a distributor product package sold on your left side and right side of your business account. Infinity/link point depends on the package purchased.
Starter Pack: 1 infinity point
Builder Pack Plus: 3 infinity points
Ultimate Pack Plus: 7 infinity points
E-Franchise: starts from 7 infinity points and up

For the purpose of explaining easily, your two friends just purchased Starter pack each. You put John on your left, and James on your right. The system will automatically detect the points you have on the both sides of your business account and every point that will pair, the company will pay you Php500.
Remember the second way to earn which is the fast start bonus? So the total amount you will earn for sponsoring John and James for purchasing both starter pack is Php300+Php300+Php500 = Php1,100.
What if John and James sponsor people under their names?

Both John and James will earn the same as you earn. But because their friends are placed on your left and right, you will still earn Php1,000 from the link points.
So what if instead of 1 account, you have 7 accounts under your name? Your potential earning in infinity bonus will be times 3. That is the advantage of more Business Accounts.
Builder Bonus:
Building a monthly income through purchases of Distributors under your business account. This means that every time distributors or members under your organization purchase a minimum of 100 barley points worth of products (1 box of juice), you will earn 5% to 15% monthly.

This simulation shows the potential monthly income of a distributor if the system is followed. Note that this is a perfect simulation and this does not guarantee your future income. It will depend on how you build your group.

For example, you have 5 direct sponsors and all of them purchase 1 box of barley juice every month. Your monthly income will be Php200.00. Yes, I know what you are thinking right now, it’s small! But this system is based on compounding principle and according to Albert Einstein, Compounding is the 8th wonder of the world!
Let’s see. If your 5 sponsor will also sponsor 5 people, that means that you will have 25 distributors on your 2nd level under your group. Your monthly income will be Php1,500. If that 25 distributors will also sponsor 5, you will have 125 distributors on your 3rd level and you earn Php2,500 monthly. And if that 125 sponsors 5 also, you will have 625, and so on and so on and if you can see on the 5th level, your potential monthly income could reach up to Php79,200! So what more in the 6th level? It could reach Php704,700! Wow! No matter you will take 5 years or even 10 years to reach that, but earning that much is a life changing!
But of course, the truth is, this will not happen. This is a perfect simulation. What it only shows is that you can really earn in this kind of system. Remember, this is a global business. There are billions of people around the world and you only need more or less 20,000 distributors who will purchase 1 box of pure barley juice every month to earn more or less half a million peso. This is not an easy business but it’s worth it.