11 Must-read Reasons why Barley is the best for your health issues!

Barley grass is mentioned, beer is the first thing that comes to mind. It’s so associated with with beer production that it’s easy to forget the incredible ways barley grass benefits our health. And before you ask, no, barley grass does not contain gluten.
Although it’s not common knowledge, barley grass contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and B12, iron, magnesium and amino acids, as well as important enzymes that your body simply craves for.
In short, barley grass benefits our health because it’s an absolute nutritional powerhouse.
Although it’s not common knowledge, barley grass contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and B12, iron, magnesium and amino acids, as well as important enzymes that your body simply craves for.
In short, barley grass benefits our health because it’s an absolute nutritional powerhouse.
A Long History of Barley
Grass Benefits
Our ancestors clearly knew this as well. The first known usage of barley grass was in 7000 BC, when it was used not just as a food, but also to treat health issues such as skin inflammation, liver problems and blood issues. It is even believed that ancient gladiators used barley grass to boost strength and endurance.
Nature provides us with life and can cure us, so it’s no wonder that many plants are truly ultimate superfoods that can be used, in one form or another, to make a number of highly effective drugs in the pharmaceutical industry.
Why then, don’t more of us incorporate these super-healthy foods in our diet? If we did, we might not end up needing the medicines they produce!
With this in mind, let’s explore the different barley grass benefits and how they can impact your health. Hopefully it will inspire you to give it a place in your kitchen.

1. It improves the health of type 2 diabetes sufferers
Type 2 diabetes is very common in adults, and is a disease that cannot be cured. However, it can be treated.
According to several studies, barley grass can improve insulin resistance and lower sugar levels, which helps people with diabetes control the changes in their sugar levels throughout the day.
The thing that causes all the major health problems associated with diabetes (gangrene, for example) are those sudden blood sugar level spikes or drops.
As it has been proven that barley grass—or more specifically, the antioxidants and vitamins found in the barley leaf—improves this condition, it is included in many supplements, which usually take the form of either barley grass juice powder or a barley grass capsule.
2. It reduces toxic build up in the body
Your body is your temple; I certainly believe this about mine. The only way to truly preserve your temple is to maintain good overall health, but modern life can make this difficult.
We burden our bodies by eating junk food all of the time, failing to find ways to address our stress levels, or by simply not finding the time to take care of ourselves properly.
Thankfully, one of the biggest barley grass benefits is that it’s a natural detoxifier—especially when it comes to our liver—that can help us deal with the physical repercussions of these bad habits.
Traces of lead can often build up in our system, which can have a negative effect on our mental abilities. This is especially true in children, who may suffer from learning disorders.
Also, the chlorophyll and beta carotene content of barley grass stimulate the elimination of waste materials. This way we are getting rid of the waste in our system by using a natural remedy that doesn’t negatively affect any aspect of our health.
3. It improves skin health and elasticity
Is your skin losing its luster and vitality? Being a source of selenium, barley grass can significantly improve the health of our skin.
Barley grass benefits our skin’s elasticity, which prevents further harmful issues such as developing folds of loose skin.
Moreover, it protects our skin from damage done by external factors such as harmful UV rays, wind, and cold air. Exhaust fumes and smog are some of the other common factors damaging our skin, so if you live in a city, barley grass will definitely help you keep your skin youthful and healthy.
4. It reduces cholesterol
During a clinical study of the effect of barley grass on type 2 diabetes, researchers found that it not only lowers blood sugar levels, but also lowers cholesterol.
Furthermore, the study showed that after 70 days of consuming barley grass on a daily basis, cholesterol levels decreased by 5.1 %. Cholesterol, as well as type 2 diabetes, is actually slowed down by monosaturated fats and antioxidants, which barley grass is rich in.
If you have high cholesterol, consult your doctor about consuming barley grass as a viable remedy. Should you use it, you will quickly see the results.
5. It can aid in weight loss
Being overweight makes you more prone to getting diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. Moreover, you can experience some breathing problems, as well as joint pains.
Barley grass will not only help you lose weight, but also help prevent these problems.
Being a source of insoluble fiber, barley grass makes you feel full for a long time, all while providing you with a lot of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. As it also helps control blood sugar levels, you won’t have strong cravings between meals.
By using barley grass—provided that you also engage in some form of exercise and avoid overeating—you’ll be able to stick to your diet more effectively and lose weight in a healthy manner.
6. Barley grass prevents asthma
The most common disorder among children is definitely childhood asthma, which can lead to more serious issues later in life. Owing to its store of antioxidants and vitamins C and E, barley grass can help you normalize and control your breathing.
You can use it to prevent asthma and alleviate its symptoms, but you cannot cure it.

7. Prevents some forms of cancer
Barley grass possesses superoxide dismutase enzyme, which excels at fighting cancer cells and can be used as a preventive measure. Moreover, owing to the powerful catalase enzymes, it can actually decrease the proliferation of cancer cells.
I especially recommend barley grass for women, as it is one of the best ways you can use your diet to help stave off breast cancer. It’s also a powerful precautionary food that can bolster your defenses against diseases such as coronary or heart disease.
8. Repairs DNA
Physician and pharmacist Yoshihide Hagiwara has spent over 10 years researching barley grass benefits, and has found that, among many other health advantages, it can repair DNA.
Due to stress, medical drugs, food additives, low immunity and even radiation, our DNA can change. This change can lead to sterility, genetic abnormalities and premature aging. This DNA damage can negatively affect womens’ pregnancy in the form of spontaneous abortion and deformed offspring.
Best then, to tend to the strength of your DNA with barley grass.
9. Prevents osteoporosis
Bone health can also be improved through barley grass intake, as it contains phosphorus and copper. Barley grass contains 11 times more calcium than milk. Whether you have a broken bone that’s slowly healing up, or you just want to boost the health of your bones, barley grass will certainly help you.
This also makes it a great addition to your children’s diet; because their bodies keep growing, they should be provided with plenty of natural sources of vitamins and minerals that will promote healthy development. Barley grass is a surefire way to do just that.
It can’t cure osteoporosis, but it can help you alleviate some of the symptoms, slow the process and keep your bones in better condition. Moreover, barley provides us with manganese, which is essential for bone production.
10. Supports immune system
You probably think of oranges as the ultimate food source of vitamin C, but here’s a shocker for you: barley grass contains far more.
Because of this, barley grass can support our immune system and improve our overall health. It makes us more resistant to catching a cold or coming down with the flu. As we are constantly under pressure and stress, we are prone to becoming fatigued, but we can put an end to constantly feeling ill and weak by just adding a couple of servings of barley grass a day to our diet.
Copper is another important immunity-boosting micronutrient found in barley – it improves our bone health, and is essential for hemoglobin production in red blood cells.
11. It has a rejuvenating effect
Most people in the modern world are overly obsessed with maintaining a youthful appearance, but very few actually focus on improving their diet and lifestyle habits; the quick fixes they choose don’t work.
Barley grass contains chlorophyll, iron and vitamin B, all of which can renew and regenerate cells, which leads to maintaining healthy and youthful skin and hair.
Barley grass also rejuvenates our entire body by supporting the creation of both white and red cells within the body. It also regulates digestion.
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