She survived 3 Heart Attacks! Taking Sante Barley! Wow!
Another Amazing-Galing Testimony!!! 😍🙏❤️

THANK YOU SO MUCH LORD AND THANK YOU SANTE! SHE'S ON GRASS! SURVIVED 3 HEART ATTACKS! DOING WELL @ 89😊😊😊 Inay complained of substernal chest pain after doing light activity (light for young ones but not for an 88 yr-old individual) that triggered her heart attack. She was rushed to the hospital and after a series of laboratory exams, we were advised that she will be admitted to ICU. She underwent angiogram and was diagnosed to have a severe three vessel coronary artery disease.
Doctors ruled out heart bypass because of age and the option was angioplasty but again age is a factor for it to be successful. Optimized medical management instead of invasive revascularization became our option.We were discharged from admission. After 2 months another episode happened and had been hospitalized again.
The feeling that you are always thinking what might happen next, is really hard. Shortness of breath, difficulty of breathing and dizziness is a normal scenario.

GOD IS GREAT AND GOD IS ALIVE! HE sent some angels for us to feel HIS love thru them.
They were used as an instrument for Inay's healing. To date, she is really doing well at 89. NO MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS! No more difficulty of breathing, vital signs normal without taking her hypertensive pill and a sound sleep at night. GOD IS MORE THAN ENOUGH! " Everything is possible for one who believes.'' (Mark 9:23) THANK YOU SANTE! SHE'S ON GRASS! 😘😘😘 #SanteBarley #HeartAttack #Testimony
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