A woman from Kalibo, Aklan testifies how this amazing barley grass helped her from her liver disease
One of Sante Barley liver testimony!!! SANTE BARLEY fights LIVER Problem

- Barley is good for liver cirrhosis because of the presence of chlorophyll, a powerful detoxifying agent for the liver because it removes carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. - The presence of Arginine helps detoxify the liver by neutralizing the ammonia. - The presence of Glysine (amino acid), a powerful anti-oxidant, protects the liver cells. - The presence of 2-O-Glycosylisovitexin prevents the formation of acetaldehyde and malonaldehyde thereby preventing the formation of fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. 🍀This Year, make a resolution to listen more to the silent signals your body is sending you. If you notice these symptoms, it is the right time to detox your colon: 🍀A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely Weakness or fatigue Unexplained weight loss 🍀 Did you know that barley grass is a wonderful natural detoxifier. The cleansing ability of barley grass is even effective in eliminating the accumulated harmful heavy metals including lead which may cause behavior and learning disorders particularly in kids. It also supports the metabolic processes and aids in strengthening and detoxification of liver. For faster transactions: CALL OR TEXT: +639951059454 (Globe/WhatsApp) Email: barleynatural@gmail.com facebook: www.facebook.com/dony.lucerio