Suffering from Tuberculosis? Try this Amazing Barley grass!
Sante Barley PTB Testimony (tuberculosis)

(c) #ApoRado Sante Business owner's mother July 2, 2015 when mama was hospitalized due to the symptoms of pnuemonia. It was my weakest point in my life knowing that your beloved mother suffering from fatigue, hard cough, excessive sweating, consistent fever, and unexplained weight loss. Doc said that mama's illness is Pulmonary Tubercolosis (PTB). She suffered a lot and became skinny. They enrolled my mother in government's anti PTB program called DOTS. Doc said that it will take maximum of 6 months to cure the disease. 7.17.2015. Mama started taking meds from DOTS. 7.28.2015. Mama's first xray is horrible. Her left lung was almost full of cavities which caused her harder to breath. While taking the DOTS meds, she also drank the God-given-juice called 'Sante Barley Pure Juice'. After she consumed 30 sachets of the said juice, it has an amazing effect to mama's health. Fatigue, fever, hardcough, too much sweating were gone.☝ The very good news, those cavities in her left lung turned into tiny little scars. The nurse who handles the DOTS program in our area asked mama of what other medicine she took because of her fast recovery. It was only the Sante Barley Pure Juice. I'm sharing this to you because I want everyone know that Sante Barley Pure Juice exist. I can say this is a life-saver product. I google this product and was amazed because it has a lot of testimonials from different people that their disease were cure Invest your Health in SanteBarley Health is Wealth For Orders: PLEASE CONTACT: Contact Number: +639951059454 (Globe/WhatsApp) Business email: Personal email: facebook page: facebook account: website: