Barley Grass as Kidney Disease Remedy? Is it true?
What Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

The kidneys function as blood filters that drain waste products while retaining other valuable blood contents like proteins. If these filters are damaged, they initially may become “leaky,” and substances like proteins can seep from blood into urine. At later stages, these filters slowly shut down and lose their ability to filter. When kidney impairment lasts for more than 3 months, it is called chronic kidney disease. This process ultimately results in decreased urine production and kidney failure, with buildup of waste products in the blood and body tissues. One common reason for kidney failure in the United States is diabetes.

Sometimes chronic kidney disease is accompanied by high blood pressure, which not only can be caused by kidney damage but also further accelerates kidney injury and is a major reason for the negative effects of chronic kidney disease on other organs, including increased risk of heart disease and stroke, collection of excess body fluids, anemia, weakening of bones, and impairment of the way the body eliminates medications.
Risk Factors

In addition to diabetes and high blood pressure, age >60 years, female sex, African American ethnicity, obesity, high cholesterol, lack of physical exercise, smoking, and excessive salt intake are factors that increase risk of kidney disease. Other contributing circumstances include infections or inflammatory diseases that affect the kidneys; inappropriate use of medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other painkillers; and use of herbal supplements that are known to cause damage to kidneys. Also, imaging studies that use iodine contrast substances can have a negative effect on kidneys. Chronic kidney disease sometimes runs in families.
Barley water plays a key role in nourishing our kidneys and keeping them healthy, which is essential for preventing different urinary tract issues including the recurrence of kidney stones. Drinking barley water helps in cleansing the kidneys by flushing all sorts of toxic materials out of the body through urine.
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