Having Prostate Problems?
According to:

"It is also believed that the barley greens’ antioxidant component, called alpha-tocopherol succinate, can fight cancer. Alpha-tocopherol succinate is a relative of vitamin E, which is known for its anti-cancer mechanisms.
Alpha-tocopherol succinate has relative effects for several types of cancer such as brain tumors, prostate cancer, and leukemia.
Based on an experimental study conducted at George Washington University, the researchers used dehydrated barley grass extract to kill leukemic cancer cells. All of the leukemic cancer cells were killed. The researchers also tested the effects of the extract on brain cancer cells. Results revealed that the dehydrated barley grass extract eradicated 30 to 50% of the brain cancer cells.
And on their third trial, the extract inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells which was from 90 to 100 percent.
Barley grass is also rich in vitamin B-17 which has the potential to destroy cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells unharmed. Barley grass’ chlorophyll components play an important role in the detoxification of the body. With chlorophyll, free radicals can be warded off which cause harm to healthy cells."
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